网上最近在流行一个游戏:《我出生的那一天》。方法是在某个摄影网站找到自己出生日的照片,然后贴到自己的博客。这个游戏有一个背景:Jamie Livingston,一个在纽约的摄影师,从1979年3月31日开始,到1997年10月25日结束,每天用Polaroid相机拍摄一张照片,形成了一个跨越18年的巨大摄影作品集《宝丽莱一日》,一共6697张,6697个日子,6697个人。1997年10月5日是最后一张,因为Livingston在那天死了。
在他身后,朋友Hugh Crawford和Betsy Reid把所有的图片整理上传,于2007年开办了一次名为《JAMIE LIVINGSTON. PHOTO OF THE DAY: 1979-1997》的影展。现在,网络上大家玩的游戏就是去找到自己生日那天的图片,贴到自己的博客里来。Jamie Livingston真是个很伟大的艺术家,在18年时间里一直用Polaroid相机在玩,而且在自己身后还可以让那么多人加入到这个游戏中来,大家共同完成这个超级作品。
关于Jamie Livingston的简介:
Jamie Livingston (October 25, 1956 - October 25, 1997) was a New York-based photographer, film-maker and circus performer. Between March 31, 1979 and October 25, 1997, the day of his death, he took a single picture nearly every day with a Polaroid camera. There are a handful of days that he did not take a picture.
Livingston's 'Polaroid a Day' photographic diary started at Bard College and though some photos have gone missing from the collection, 6,697 Polaroids remain. The collection, dated in sequence, has been organized by his friends Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid into an exhibit at the Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College called "JAMIE LIVINGSTON. PHOTO OF THE DAY: 1979-1997", which opened in 2007。
